Les petits rois
Les petits rois
2021 • N/A • • Drame
5/5 • 5 / 10 IMDb
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The Little Kings is about a group of assertive, uninhibited, even reckless students at the top of the school social pyramid, often more focused on their own needs than those of the community, until one day a collateral victim of their carelessness decides to play a vigilante. The prime targets for their downfall are the leaders of the group, the two popular and privileged best friends, Julep and Adaboy. The first is the beloved captain of his hockey team, the second is the star of skating team. Around them revolve their friends, who will also bear the brunt of this vigilante.

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Reviewed by Sall jr Tallazo 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by florent aifi 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by anna 5 / 5 2 years ago

Reviewed by Zalle gaming 5 / 5 2 years ago

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